International Taekwon‑Do Federation

Commemorative events were held by the Korean Taekwon‑Do Committee on this special occasion of the 55th Anniversary of Founding of the ITF.
On Mar. 22nd, 2021 marking the 55th Anniversary of Founding of the ITF, leading persons, Grand Masters and Masters of the Korean TKD Committee and the ITF, including Mr. Kim Myong Gun, the KTC President, Mr. Kim Hyong Rak, the ITF Secretary General and GM Kim Ung Chol, the ITF Tournament Committee Chairman visited the grave of Gen. Choi Hong Hi, the Founder of ITF & the Origial Taekwon‑Do to pay their respect.
Later that day, they visited the TKD History Museum at the TKD Holy Center to look back upon the 55-year history of the ITF with deep emotions.
Between Mar. 22nd ~ 24th was held the TKD Technical Seminar and Instructor course commemorating the 55th Anniversary of the Founding of the ITF at Taekwon‑Do Palace in Pyongyang, the capital city of the Motherland of Taekwon‑Do.
GM Kim Ung Chol, the ITF Tournament Committee Chairman, the Int’l Technical Seminar/Int‘l Instructor Course Conductors for Asia GM Pae Nung Man and GM Ri Myong Chol conducted the seminar and the course where over 50 GMs, Masters, Instructors and competitors of the Korean TKD Committee attended.
The technical seminar and Instructor Course mainly dealt with such problems as how to perform the fundamental movements in accordance with the theory of power, how to perform the continuous, fast, slow and connecting motions correctly in 24 TKD Tuls and to afford a theoretical understanding of the purpose, method and correctness of the prearranged sparring including the 3-step, 2-step and 1-step sparring.
Sincerely yours,
Korean Taekwon‑Do Committe