International Taekwon‑Do Federation

28 Nov 2021

Determination today leads to success tomorrow…

Master Jason Bradley

8th Degree International Instructor / Examiner

I was born in Bunbury, Western Australia in 1970. After starting competitive sport, in particular athletics, at a very young age I was chosen to represent Western Australia at the Pacific School Games in 1982 held in Brisbane, Queensland. This coincided with the Commonwealth Games. After seeing the grandeur of the games, I longed to represent Australia, but as life would have it, it was not to be in athletics!

I commenced training in Taekwon‑Do in 1984 in Perth, Western Australia with Low Taekwon‑Do. The flying techniques are what first grabbed my attention, appealing to me most, that and the precision of the techniques executed. I came to appreciate the skills of both my instructors, Master Linda’s grace and strength and Master Low’s humble power. Competitions in WA weren’t abundant and were usually restricted to WTF full contact sparring which I entered and received runner up in 1986. After receiving my 1st Dan in 1988 and 2nd Dan in 1990 under Grand Master Low Ming Tuck and Grand Master Linda Low, I continued to train and compete under their tutelage.

I had my first chance to train with the late General Choi in 1993 and even though it was held on the other side of Australia, I went, and my eyes were opened even more to the power and beauty of Taekwon‑Do. It was here that we were all exposed to the concept of ‘sine wave’ and I got to meet my fellow Taekwon‑Do brothers and sisters of Australia and the world. People who were on the same fantastic journey. Greatest of all was meeting the founder of the art that had by now become my way of life. I will never forget the first time I was introduced to him, he stood up as we were being introduced and after putting his cigarette out on his knuckles, shook my hand. I remember the surreal feeling as I trained and listened and stared in awe of his power and knowledge

While studying as a Physical Education teacher at university, I started my first clubs, under GM Low, first in 1991, in Perth. After graduating I left the city and headed to remote WA, Meekatharra, where I started another club in 1993 and commenced my teaching career. In 1994 I attended my first Australian National Championships with some of my students. This is where I developed a real passion for umpiring in all the various disciplines in competition something I continue to do. I proceeded to move onto another town, Kalgoorlie, and started another club in 1995. Only spending one year there I moved onto Geraldton in 1996 where I started another club which is still running today.

I was very fortunate again to train with the General Choi once again in 1996 as a 3rd Dan when he came back to Australia, again on the other side of Australia. I received my B Class Umpire Certification in 1997 under Grand Master Wim Bos and was selected as part of the Australian Team (team events) for the 1999 World Championships in Argentina. I chose not to attend due to financial constraints.

In 1998 I once again had the fortunate opportunity to train with the General but also his son, Grand Master Choi Jung Hwa, where I was so privileged to be graded by them to 4th Dan and International Instructor. It was such an honour to be graded by our founder and his son and to then be presented with my 4th degree results by General Choi himself, at dinner in front of everyone, was very special!  Adding to this amazing experience was the fact that it was the first time the General had come to Western Australia. It was also amazing to take General Choi and his son to various sites in and around Perth. The most enjoyable for General Choi was the wildlife park where he spent a lot of time feeding and patting kangaroos. Grand Master Choi Jung Hwa returned to Western Australia again in 1999 where I took the opportunity to train with him again.

In the year of 2000, when Sydney was hosting the Olympic Games and the inaugural inclusion of Taekwon‑Do as an Olympic sport, I was selected as an Olympic Torch bearer. A goal of mine for so long was to be part of the most prestigious sporting event worldwide. It was so amazing to run a distance with the actual Olympic flame that ignites the Olympic cauldron and be part of history, especially in the year that Taekwon‑Do was included for the first time in the Olympic Games. Students, sporting Taekwon‑Do doboks or school uniforms lined the streets for my section of the run. It was the slowest I have ever run wanting to savour every moment of this once in a lifetime opportunity. My academy, Oceanic Taekwon‑Do, was also asked to put on a demonstration of Taekwon‑Do at the WA Museum in Geraldton, where a Taekwon‑Do exhibit was also on display in the museum called Taekwon‑Do, A New Olympic Tradition. I was able to supply the museum with so much Taekwon‑Do memorabilia and information for their exhibit. That was an amazing time.

2001 and 2004 I once again had the chance to train with GM Choi Jung Hwa and an amazing Grand Master and someone I truly believe is TKD personified, Grand Master Leong Wai Meng. I received my A Class Umpire Certification under GM Leong and was also selected as the Australian Referee for the 2004 World Championships in Malaysia. I was finally achieving my dream of representing Australia, even if as a referee, but being part of Australian Team! This is where I met many Masters and instructors from around the world with whom I remain friends to this day. At that time, I desired attending as many world championships as I could, either as Australian Umpire, Coach or Competitor.

From 2004 to present day I have had 15 of my students represent Australia (some numerous times) and I was also fortunate enough to have my chance as a 6th Dan in Belarus winning two bronze medals. In 2013 I was graded to 7th Dan by GM Phap Lu and then awarded 8th Dan in 2020.

Apart from many State and National titles over my own competition career, the most humbling awards I have received have been in my home town being awarded Mid-West Sports Star of the Year 2010, Official of the Year 2011, 2013 & 2016 and Coach of the Year 2008 & 2013. I was also awarded Outstanding Instructor Award by the ITF in 2020.

My club’s training is based on the unification of the mind and the body, incorporating the movements that are natural, rhythmic, efficient and beneficial to students of all ages. My teaching remains realistic and applicable to the modern society and with my background in Physical Education teaching makes for me being a very organized and resourceful instructor. I believe that Taekwon‑Do is more than just punching and kicking, it’s about enriching an individual’s quality of life through the moral culture that Taekwon‑Do was built on. It is this development of moral culture that I most enjoy observing within my students. I believe that the tenets serve as a basic guideline for all serious students of Taekwon‑Do, and the degree of success of one’s Taekwon‑do training, and life in general, is greatly dependent on how one observes and implements these principles.

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